Benjamin Kinnas
The Greater Island Council Parks & Recreation Committee is committed to making Hilton Head Island a destination for people to enjoy world-class parks and recreation facilities, programming, and events.
Meeting Schedule / Location:
Every Third Thursday at 8:00 am/ The Island Rec Center, Community Room.
Everyone who agrees to work towards our goals is welcome.
Goals and Strategies:
1. To have an impact on decisions made as regards the mid-island tract given the large expenditure required for its complete build-out.
2. Align the parks that are designated for sports use with the expressed needs of town residents and visitors.
3. Incorporate art into park planning from conception and not as an afterthought.
4. Strengthen working relationships with the Office of Cultural Affairs and Partners.
Past Accomplishments:
1. Town counterproposal to Beaufort County Parks
2. Candidate Questionnaire
3. Parks & Rec Survey
4. Culture HHI Map Support
5. Culture HHI Passport