John Newman
Joel Taylor
To identify a set of priorities within the health and healthcare space in the community that could benefit from the support of the GIC to fill gaps in access in terms of availability and importantly, economic access. The committee is acutely aware of the need to collaborate with the many components of medical care in the community and is striving not to duplicate or compete with other efforts that are underway.
We invite interested community members to participate
Goals and Strategies:
- ACCESS: Primary care, Post-acute care, outpatient Mental Health.
- Integration of Service. How does one get into, through and out of a very complicated and fragmented system?
- Supporting systems. What agencies and organizations are in our communities and how do individuals know about and access them?
- Para-medical care. How does an already excellent EMS system grow its capabilities?
- It is recognized that further work is needed to inventory services that can serve as a baseline assessment.
Our Work Plan through the end of 2019:
- Develop approach to determining a baseline inventory of services in the community.
- Survey GIC members to ensure that we have not missed significant gaps in service.
- Bring experts to the committee so that the committee has a clear understanding of the healthcare environment in South Carolina.
- Understand and collaborate with the “Our Future” project.
- Choose area of focus. Committee is leaning toward the “Stay Connected” model mentioned above.
- Identify resources needed.
- Complete detailed work plan.
Read about Project Isolate Safe, a partnership between Volunteers in Medicine, the Deep Well and the Greater Island Council of Hilton Head and Bluffton’s Medical Committee in the January 4, 2020 issue of the Island Packet | Beaufort Gazette:
To view the article, click below:
Program offers aid to COVID patients who can’t isolate
We have heard a presentation from Councilman Harkins on the approach that the town is envisioning approaching physician supply. The town and Hilton Head Regional Healthcare are collaborating on this. The town is also at work on a “Healthy Hilton Head” initiative which has chosen healthy eating as its focus.
We have also heard a presentation from committee member Marsha Harrison on a very successful all volunteer “Staying Connected” program in Sun City. Can this model be expanded to include other areas of Southern Beaufort County?