GIC Parks and Recreation Committee

Monday, June 17, 2024

Table of Contents

Executive Summary and Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….3
The Indispensable Investment for Value: Security…………………………………………………………..………………………….…7
The Essential Investment: Understanding the Value of Park Maintenance…………….……………………….…………..12
The Incalculable Value: The Environmental Contribution of our Parks and Green Spaces……………………..…..15
The Intangible Value with Very Tangible Benefits: Arts in the Park…………….……………………………………………….18
Letting Us Know How Much This Will Cost: The Value of Transparency in Parks and Recreation Budgets….22

Executive Summary and Recommendations

The Greater Island Council (GIC) and its Parks and Recreation Committee support the development of Hilton Head Island’s parks and recreation assets. The Town’s master plan focuses on becoming a leader in recreational facilities, celebrating natural resources, improving wateraccess, and promoting sports tourism.
GIC advocates and recommends the Town establish a communications strategy and program that will enunciate the benefits and value citizens will receive in exchange for substantial financial resources the Town is asking taxpayers to commit. Stakeholders beyondtaxpayers, which include area realtors, tourism and leisure-related parties, and area chambers of commerce, should be included in this communications channel. The consequences and benefits of the Town’s planned expenditures are far-reaching. Benefits can be social, such as community engagement, physical and mental health, and cultural and social events. Parks can also provide economic benefits, including increased property values, tourism, and job creation.
However, tangible aspects of parks and recreation development are often more visible to
taxpayers. To address this, the GIC has identified five tangible issues of concern to taxpayers:

  • Security
  • Maintenance
  • Environmental Protection
  • Arts in the Park
  • Budget

Effective communication and compelling arguments highlighting the value and benefits of investing in parks and recreation are essential. The GIC recommends developing a clear communications strategy outlining tangible expenditures and benefits of building and maintaining recreational assets. Five sections outlining the benefits of each tangible issue and why they are important to stakeholders are included to support this effort.
Although these five issues are well-known within the town, they exist within silos. There is no comprehensive clearinghouse that would allow them to be bundled into one communications package. GIC recommends focusing on these five tangible issues of concern to taxpayers and developing a clear communications strategy outlining the benefits and value of these investments.

Read the full Committee Report here.