Dr. Jane Kelly, Assistant State Epidemiologist,  SC DHEC 

SC DHEC Covid-19 Update Presentation

On February 4, 2021, Dr. Jane Kelly, assistant state epidemiologist for SC DHEC, presented an update on South Carolina’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic at the Greater Island Council of Hilton Head and Bluffton’s monthly general meeting of members.  

About SC Board of Health and Environmental Control

DHEC is a state agency whose operations are overseen by the S.C. Board of Health and Environmental Control. The Board consists of eight members, one from each congressional district, and a Chairman from the state at large appointed by the Governor, upon the advice and consent of the S.C. Senate. The seven congressional district Board seats have staggered four-year terms. DHEC is charged with promoting and protecting the health of the public and the environment in South Carolina. With more than 3,800 employees working in 100 locations across the state, their vision is healthy people living in healthy communities.

About Dr. Jane Kelly

Dr. Jane Kelly is the assistant state epidemiologist for SC DHEC.  In addition, Dr. Kelly is a board-certified internist with 37+ years clinical and public health experience with HIV. Formerly an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Research Science Director for the Georgia Department of Public Health HIV/AIDS Epidemiology program.

You can view, download or print the presentation by clicking below:

SC DHEC Covid-19 Update