Why and How GIC SAC Was Created

The Mayor’s Task Force for the Island’s Future Vision 2025 Report identified eleven key initiatives to “enrich the experiences of residents and guests, to accelerate private sector investment in the three primary economic drivers, to strengthen the island’s leadership legacy of being a “green” community and/or to underscore its commitment to its Vision and Core Values.”

One of the Vision 2025 initiatives called for the appointment of a Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC) “to identify, explore and promote environmental and “sustainability” options, policies and practices.” The stated purpose of the SAC was “to strengthen the Island’s environmental leadership position, enhance long term economic and environmental sustainability and attract “green” businesses and “green oriented” travelers.”

The SAC was created in 2011 and Teresa Wade, President and owner of Sustainable Solutions, was recruited to serve as Champion to lead our efforts and to identify sustainable practices and policies. One of the SAC’s first actions was to create and fund a non-profit organization called Experience Green.  This organization was founded to identify ways to enhance sustainable practices on Hilton Head Island and Beaufort County.  Teresa Wade was hired to serve as Experience Green’s (EG) first Executive Director.  EG provided a wide variety of functions including hosting events, conducting Earth Day celebrations, conducting classes on sustainable practices, offering Master Recycler classes and Certifications. In addition, EG created and managed a Sustainability in Golf program and assisted many local and state golf course operations with sustainable practices and certification in this program.

The GIC Sustainability Advisory Committee, together with Experience Green, also raised funds to conduct a community-wide Baseline Sustainability Assessment (BSA).  The purpose of the BSA was to establish a baseline measurement of the community’s position as it relates to sustainable practices so that future improvements and activities could be measured against the baseline to determine impacts.  This document continues to serve the community today and help prioritize the many sustainable practices that are discussed and considered. This important survey identified four key priority areas of improvement. They are Waste, Water, Energy and Transportation.

Click below to see each of the sections of the Baseline Sustainability Assessment (BSA):

Baseline Sustainability Assessment Project Summary
Responsibility Section
Risk Section
Resiliency Section
Community Response Survey Summary