Dr. Frank Rodriguez

October 5, 2023

The featured speaker at October’s Monthly Members meeting was Dr. Frank Rodriguez, Superintendent of the Beaufort County School District. Dr. Rodriguez did a superb job of educating us as to the particulars of the upcoming bond referendum. Following are some highlights:

1) The Beaufort County School District is running a $439-million bond referendum that will appear for a yes/no vote on our November ballots. Click here to learn all about it.
2) If successful, these funds will go to capital improvements not operating costs.
3) The incremental cost to taxpayers for this referendum will be nothing, per se, since there are other current referendums on the books that are expiring this year which would therefore allow this referendum to take effect without any actual tax increase.
4) To learn more about prior (2019) referendum projects, 2023 proposed projects, the BCSD’s facilities master plan, future dates/times of information presentation sessions, CLOC quarterly/annual reports and member roster, etc., click here.
5) Note: the largest single project by far ($141MM) that would be funded from the 2023 bond referendum would be for a new/improved Hilton Head High School.

Following Dr. Rodriguez’s presentation and Q&A, he and his contingent left the room. At that time, GIC Education Committee Chair, Stu Rodman, presented a proposed GIC Resolution in support of the Bond Referendum. To see the complete text of the Resolution, click here. As there was a quorum in the room (including those on Zoom) a motion to adopt the Resolution was made and unanimously approved.