Chairman: Luana M. Graves Sellars


To establish and sustain itself as a community resource which provides skills to our island community that would normally go unspoken or unrecognized, yet are necessary skills in our daily lives. The island and the GIC membership are full of experts representing all industries, levels of expertise and fields of study, which would not only be the source of presenters and knowledge, but also be able to provide the talent base for workshops and presentations that would be offered to the community. Through a consistent series of informational sessions and events, the GIC would be able to inform and educate our community through opportunities that are specifically geared towards improving the island’s general knowledge base.

Scope of Work

The Community Skills Enrichment Committee will begin to identify its scope of work by developing a list of topics that would be beneficial to the community. Each topic would be geared towards impacting all areas and aspects of our community, from students to seniors as well as all economic levels. Once identified, the topics would be matched to individual speakers, chosen from GIC members or local residents who are experts on the particular topic and can deliver a presentation based on their individual skill set. Once completed, a calendar of session(s) and/or speaker series would be created and implemented.

The following is a list of potential Community Skills Enrichment Committee workshops:

  • Financial Skills
    • Student Level
      • Banking 101
      • How to invest
      • Avoiding College Debt
      • Local Community College Scholarships
    • Adult Level
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Economic Development
      • Writing a Business Plan
  • Educational Skills
    • College Readiness
    • Selecting the Right College
    • Selecting a Career
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Developing an Educational Plan
  • Community Information Skills and Personal Development
    • Opportunity Zone
    • Classes on Purchasing
    • Investment Circles
    • Bridge Building Across Demographics
    • Parenting Skills
      • Raising Successful Children
      • Age Appropriate Development
    • Heirs Property
    • Avoiding the Tax Sale