
John Lang


To provide a community resource which identifies community needs for which programs and resources can be developed that will enhance quality of life and present opportunities for personal development.

Scope of Work:

The Community Skills Enrichment Programs are focused primarily on providing support to education, adult basic self-improvement platforms and senior expended learning opportunities. The goals will be centered on identifying current programs offered in support of specific goals such as attainment of GED, tutorial assistance, and broadening horizons of seniors.  Initial steps are developing inventories of existing programs aimed at these goals, to be followed by assuring linkage between those resources available and residents pursuing these goals.

Community outreach embraces community issues, analysis of available assistance programs, development of supplemental programs where required, and assurance of appropriate linkage between needs and resources.


Analysis of Skills Enrichment Needs: Planning is underway and will lead to an inventory of existing programs.

Analysis of Sewer Expansion Project:The committee met with the Community Foundation (funding source), Deepwell (project administrator) and Hilton Head Island PSD (Peter Nardi, General Manager). Our finding was that all is proceeding at a greater pace than planned. If a septic system is working, there is no need for a hookup, however septic systems cannot be repaired and require sewer hookup upon failure. Funding is provided through low interest loans provided by the Community Foundation. The application process is efficiently handled by Deepwell. Mr. Nardi reports that the compliance rate is outstanding. The one issue occurs with rentals, where funding is not provided to owners and the cost is passed on to tenants. We will continue to follow this excellent program.

Bicycle Safety Project:Data has been collected and Frank Babel has been a tremendous help. Steve Alfred, former President of Kickin Asphalt and a leader of bicycle activities in Sea Pines, has volunteered to assist in this important project. An unfortunate series of health issues amongst participants has delayed this project, however all parties have recovered, and the project will proceed.

Legal Assistance in Establishing Property Titles:The need analysis is underway. Our next step is to identify legal assistance. Low Country Legal Volunteers has enthusiastically offered support in providing legal assistance. Next steps are organizing meetings with community leaders to develop appropriate workshops. Brad Zervas, Executive Director has been a great advisor and dedicated advocate!